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Full text of "Brachymetatarsia of the Fourth Metatarsal, Lengthening Scarf Osteotomy with Bone Graft."

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Orthopedic Reviews 2013; volume 5:e21 

Correspondence: Surjit Lidder, Department of 
Trauma and Orthopaedics, Eastbourne District 
General Hospital, Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East 
Sussex BN21 2UD, UK. 
Tel. +44.1323.418241 - Fax: +44.1323.414963. 

Keywords: omnitech, scarf osteotomy, lengthening. 

Acknowledgements: we would like to thank Dr. S. 
Molki for illustrations. 

Contributions: the authors contributed equally. 

Conflict of interests: the authors declare no 
potential conflict of interests. 

Received for publication: 28 January 2013. 
Revision received: 28 May 2013. 
Accepted for publication: 17 June 2013. 

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©Copyright A. Desai et ai, 2013 
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Orthopedic Reviews 2013; 5:e21 

Brachymetatarsia of the fourth 
metatarsal, lengthening scarf 
osteotomy with bone graft 

Ankit Desai, Surjit Lidder, 
Andrew R. Armitage, 
Samuel S. Rajaratnam, 
Andrew D. Skyrme 

Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, 
Eastbourne District General Hospital, 
East Sussex, UK 


A 16-year-old girl presented with left fourth 
metatarsal shortening causing significant psy- 
chological distress. She underwent lengthen- 
ing scarf osteotomy held with an Omnitech® 
screw (Biotech International, France) with the 
addition of two 1 cm cancellous cubes (RTI 
Biologies, United States). A lengthening z- 
plasty of the extensor tendons and skin were 
also performed. At 6 weeks the patient was 
fully weight bearing and at one-year follow up, 
the patient was satisfied and discharged. A 
modified technique of lengthening scarf 
osteotomy is described for congenital brachy- 
matatarsia. This technique allows one stage 
lengthening through a single incision with 
graft incorporation by 6 weeks. 


Brachymetatarsia is a congenital shortening 
of the metatarsal of the foot. It can be either uni 
or bilateral, 1 and is most commonly associated 
with the 4 th toe but can affect any of the 
metatarsal bones. 2 Patients may present due to 
metatarsalgia, soft tissue contractures, 2 or psy- 
chological distress during adolescence. 
Operative intervention can improve function as 
well as cosmesis. Lengthening may be achieved 
through callotaxis using a mini-external fixator 
or through a single stage procedure utilising an 
osteotomy, bone grafting and soft tissue correc- 
tion. 23 This case illustrates the use of a lengthen- 
ing scarf osteotomy augmented with cancellous 
bone graft cubes and soft tissue correction to 
treat brachymetatarsia. This modified technique 
provides improved metatarsal length and cosmet- 
ic benefit with a single operative procedure. 

Case Report 

A 16-year-old female was referred with uni- 
lateral shortening of the left 4 th toe. The toe 

was not painful, however caused psychological 
distress when wearing opened toed footwear 
and whilst barefoot at swimming pools. 
Examination revealed a left 4 th toe that was 
clearly short and sitting dorsally. Radiographs 
(Figure 1) showed a 4 th metatarsal which was 
approximately 7 mm shorter that the 5 th 
metatarsal with a dysplastic metatarsal head. 
The etiology of her deformity was unknown. 

A single stage lengthening metatarsal scarf 
osteotomy was performed. The rationale for a 
single procedure was to limit disruption from 
schooling. The 4 th metatarsal was approached 
through a laterally based Z-plasty incision. A 
wide capsular release was performed and the 
metatarsal was elevated up and a lengthening 
scarf osteotomy performed. Two 1cm allograft 
cancellous cubes (RTI Biologies, United 
States) were used and the osteotomy held with 
one Omnitech® screw (Biotech International, 
France) (Figure 2). Z lengthening of the short 
and long extensor tendons was performed. 

Post operatively, the patient remained heel- 
weight bearing for 6 weeks. The patient had 
routine post-operative follow up (Figure 3) and 
the additional length of 9 mm (2 mm longer 
than 5 th metatarsal) had been maintained, 
however, there was some scar contracture 
keeping the toe dorsally elevated by ten 
degrees. The patient remained satisfied with 
her overall increase in length of the 4 th toe and 
was discharged at one year. 


The forefoot deformity known as 
brachymetatasia is a malformation of any of 
the metatarsals. It most often effects the 4 th toe 
and may be either uni or bilateral. 4 The inci- 
dence of this rare deformity is reported 
between 0.02 to 0.05% and is up to twenty five 
times more prevalent in women compared to 
men. 2 Although the main proportion of congen- 
ital brachymetatasia is idiopathic in nature it 
can also be associated with endocrinopathies, 
such as pseudo-hypoparathyroidism, as well as 
systemic syndromes such as Turner's syn- 
drome. 45 The underlying cause of this short- 
ened metatarsal is thought to be due to the 
premature closure of the metatarsal epiphy- 
seal growth plate, however, the aetiology 
behind this is not fully understood. 2 5 There are 
a number of other acquired causes for the 
development of shortened metatarsals. 
Principally trauma and infection, however 
tumours, radiation exposure and previous sur- 
gery are also associated. 5 Morton's foot, a short 
first metatarsal, is another less common form 
of brachymetatasia that becomes obvious by 
the age of 10 years old. 

Patients with brachymetatasia may present 
in a number of ways. The short toe may sit dor- 

sally which affects cosmesis and impairs load 
transference of the foot. 16 This can lead to 
metatarsalgia and callosities particularly over 
the second and third metatarsal heads. 2 6 With 
soft tissue imbalance, clawing of the toe may 
be problematic for shoe wearing. 4 

The aim of surgery in these cases is to pro- 
vide symptomatic relief and cosmesis. The two 
main methods of surgical correction are of dis- 
traction osteotomy providing a gradual 
increase in length, and the single stage 
osteotomy with bone graft to produce a rapid 
lengthening (Table 1). 

Our case presents a modified surgical tech- 
nique using a scarf osteotomy with a fixating 
Omnitech® screw, alongside a tendon Z-plasty 
of the short and long extensor tendons to pro- 
duce desirable results. By using a scarf 
osteotomy rather than a transverse, we allow 
for controlled elongation of the metatarsal with 
secured fixation. This decreases the chance of 
metatarsal shortening post operatively, which 
can be seen with the transverse osteotomy. It 
also removes the need for a holding Kirscher 
wire which is often inserted and removed at a 
later date once the transverse osteotomy has 
begun to heal. The cancellous bone blocks 
were held in place by compression pres fit. 
When the scarf osteotomy is performed, dis- 
traction at the site causes surround soft tissue 
compression and maintains a press fit for the 
bone blocks. 

The management of brachymetatarsia can be 
complicated and it is particularly important to 


[Orthopedic Reviews 2013; 5:e21] 

[page 97] 

Case Report 

Table 1. The two most common methods used for the management of brachymetatarsia. 


Surgical technique 




Distraction osteogenesis 
with mini-external fixation 

Application of mini-external 
fixator after a transverse 
osteotomy. Up to 12 days 
of gradual increasing of length 

Longer lengthening 

Significant scarring, skin tension 
from four fixator pin sites, 
patient co-operation, pin site 
infections, requires second 
nrftfpdnrp to rpmnvp riklraptinn 


(7 patients, Follow up 4.4 years) 

Magnan etai, 1995 

(7 patients, mean 

follow lin fi S vparO 

Single stage with allograft 
bone graft 

Tendon Z-Plasty 
Transverse osteotomy 
with bone block between held 
in place by k-wire 

Single main procedure, tendon 
z-plasty, smaller scar 

K-wire requires removing, 

limited lengthening due 

to soft tissue tension, 

post-procedure reduction in lengthening, 

autologous donor site morbidity 

(29 patients, mean 
follow up 5 years) 

Figure 1. AP radiograph of the left foot 
showing 7 mm shortening of the 4 th 
metatarsal compared to the 5 th metatarsal 

Figure 3. Post-operative AP radiograph at 6 
weeks of the left foot showing the length- 
ening scarf osteotomy? incorporation of the 
bone blocks and fixation with an 
Omnitech screw® of the 4 th metatarsal. The 
4 th metatarsal head is 2 mm longer than the 
5 th metatarsal head. 

Figure 2. Diagram showing lengthening scarf osteotomy of the metatarsal (A) with bone 
grafts and Omnitech® screw fixation (B). 

consider that young women, the main patient 
group, desire a cosmetic improvement due to 
the already high levels of psychological distress. 
This was true in our case where it was felt that 
a single-stage operation would be the most 
appropriate method and would be the least 
restricting on her daily life. The scarf osteotomy 
augmented with bone graft cubes should 
decrease the risk of the patient requiring a sec- 
ond operation and early results have so far 
shown this. This case indicates the importance 
of patient selection when considering which 
operative procedure to undertake and to consid- 
er the long-term impact of the operation. 

A lengthening scarf osteotomy with screw 
fixation and the use of cancellous bone blocks 
is a modified technique for the surgical man- 
agement of brachymetatasia that provides a 
good alternative to traditional techniques. 


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Informa Healthcare; 2006. 

2. Giannini S, Faldini C, Pagkrati S, et al. 
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[page 98] 

[Orthopedic Reviews 2013; 5:e21]